About Us

The aim of the association "Fritz Hug - Bildarchiv" is to document the extensive work of the great Swiss artist and animal painter Fritz Hug, to transfer it to a digital future and to make it accessible to the public free of charge via this website. To this end, oil paintings, watercolors, drawings and lithographs will be photographed as completely as possible. The existing large archive of photographs of Hug works will be digitized, whereby the yellowing caused by ageing must be corrected. And all these Hug works will be made available to the public free of charge in this digital archive. Archiving is a long-term project because dozens of works still need to be photographed and hundreds of photographs need to be digitized. The archive will therefore be continuously supplemented and expanded. Membership: Membership of this association is open to anyone who supports the aims of the association and wishes to preserve and exhibit Fritz Hug's work for future generations. The membership fee is CHF 50 per year and can be paid into the account "Fritz Hug - Bildarchiv" at the Zürcher Kantonalbank, account number CH64 0070 0114 8069 7093 8. The membership fees are used exclusively for the professional photography of the Hug works or for the digitization of existing photographs of Hug works.

The Artist

Fritz Hug, (* March 19, 1921 in Dornach; † January 29, 1989 in Speicherschwendi) was a major Swiss painter. In addition to his main work consisting of numerous oil paintings, drawings and watercolors, he also created lithographs, posters, mosaics and murals. Together with his wife Margrit Hug, he also published three picture books on biblical themes, which were translated into several languages. Hug became known as the "Painter of the Animals”. (more)

The "Fritz Hug - Picture Archive" Association

The aim of the association "Fritz Hug - Picture Archive" is to document the extensive work of the great Swiss artist and animal painter Fritz Hug, to transfer it to a digital future and to make it accessible to the public free of charge via this website. (more)

Fritz Hug